Thursday 2 May 2013

Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly Makeup Fixer Review

Since my baby glow mist from Etude House didn't do much for me I decided to try out this spray.

Description (shortened)
  • Refresh your skin and provide moist - you can feeling vitality and moisture
  • Collagen from seaweed handle your makeup easily and keep your skin moisture whole day
For me this did do what it advertised it would do ^-^

My face was moisturized and my makeup was still the same after 7 hours - would have probably lasted longer but I washed my face >v<

Maybe during to it having collagen in it my skin felt like baby skin after spraying it but there was no firm/ tightening feeling like most collagen products.

There is a very faint (so faint to the point you have to sniff really hard) soap-like fragrance which gives a refreshing smell but since it's really faint you don't really notice it. 

As mentioned in it's name this product isn't on the same consistency as water, it's a bit gel/jelly-like but not thick - it's a very watery gel/jelly solution to the point it's the same as water just not there yet.

I'm not sure if it's just my bottle but I don't feel that the pump is good as it doesn't really spray well - it maybe due to it being a bit gel/jelly-like.

Yes, unless I find a better one :D


  1. I'm about to purchase this...maybe you'll like it better than your current spray. [Etude House] COLLAGEN moistfull facial mist

    1. thanks for your suggestion but I got spots after using another product from the same line >.< & I don't really want to risk it again
