Tuesday 30 April 2013

SKINFOOD Royal Honey Emulsion, Toner & Hydro Cream Review

I brought this line of product after my skin recovered from rashes (from an allergic reaction).
This line advertises that it's products contains royal black honey and royal jelly extracts that replenished moisture and transforms skin into a nice honey-glazed complexion.

I've been using this for 6 months and it's did what it says it does ^-^ which I am very happy about this as I have dry and sensitive skin - it's hard for me to find something that doesn't cause a break out or irritation.

Keeps my face nourished throughout the day even when I use it alone. It has a light honey smell. It's consistency is more on the watery side but not so much - with the design on the opening I would have preferred if it was more watery, as I felt as if I was having a war with the bottle every time I had to tap the lotion out (sometimes too much comes out....).

The emulsion bottle need a pump!

Cleans well and doesn't dry out my face like what a lot of other toners do on me. My skin feels a little bit sticky after I use this which maybe because it contains honey - it's not on a sticky level where it would bother me too much or make me feel dirty.This is a little bit thicker than most toner but not to the point it's considered as a gel.

Hydro Cream
I don't usually use this a lot since it give me a greasy feeling after I put it on. I usually use this when I'm really dry (to the point of being flakey) and desperately need moisture. It does the trick and moisturizes my skin instantly. Compared to many other creams I've used, this cream is not very thick - my skin absorbs it quicker :)

Looks a bit like vaseline XD

Yes! I love how it doesn't give me a break out and actually helps my skin when recovering from a break out/ rashes from an allergic reaction.

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