Tuesday 4 June 2013

*ETUDE HOUSE* Lip Perfume Breath Mist Peach & Apple Review

These seemed interesting to me since I've never seen any other type of breath mist apart from mint/peppermint.

IT TASTE SO BAD!!! (In my opinion) - the taste is similar to mouthwash but stronger. The inside of my mouth felt refreshing, just like after brushing your teeth.

(According to my friend who smelt my breath :P) It gives off a candy-like apple/ peach smell. The smell itself isn't as strong/ concentrated as smelling it directly from the bottle - but whoever you are talking to can still smell it. Since I can't smell my own breath obviously I kind of find it pointless. It's good to use after eating strong smelling food since strong smelling breaths can cause discomfort (especially if the opposite side deems it as bad breath).

I don't know how long lasting normal breath mist are meant to be but in my opinion, the smell isn't as long lasting as advertised, it disappears when the fresh feeling inside your mouth disappears which is about 5mins later - I don't consider 5mins as long lasting.

No, it taste really bad to me & doesn't really last long.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Fresh Light Bubble Foam Hair Dye - Caramel Brown Review

I am Asian & most dyes don't really work on me unless I bleach my hair, which I don't want. I decided to use this since it's a Japanese brand, I assumed it would work better since it's made for Asian hair. I've used this brand of hair dye many times with satisfying results (I've used melty cherry, vanilla beige & lemon blond). ^-^

The number of hearts = the level of brightness --> if you have dark hair & want the colour to come out more it's best to get one with 5 hearts.

I brought this in Hong Kong in a store called Sasa. It was originally on sale for about $30HKD then when up to $50HKD - still a good price for it in my opinion.

1x hair colour 30ml
1x developer 60ml
1x treatment pack
1 pair of gloves
1 nozzle

After adding the hair colour and developer you would probably think 90ml of hair dye isn't enough if you have long hair ---> in truth it's more than enough. I have medium-long hair (about 55cm long) & that was still quite a bit left even after I used A LOT!

An Advice: after pouring the hair colour in the developer put the nozzle on (instead of the original cap) & sway it left & right - it's not recommended to shake it madly.

Before - My roots!! >.<


I started with my roots since it's darker and I wanted the colour of my hair to be even all over.

Overall I like how this brand of hair dye actually works on my hair & that it's very easy to apply on yourself. I hate the smell since it's quite strong & makes my eyes watery even in a well ventilated place.

I plan to when I go Hong Kong this month since the only place I can get it in UK is on ebay or in a shop in China Town which is ridiculously expensive (it's original price is £6ishGBP, on ebay its about £10+GBP shipped & in China town it's £18GBP!!!)